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Taupe Poseidon

Awakening Your Inner Shaman

Awakening Your Inner Shaman

Regular price $44.48 AUD
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This book follows the Shamanic journey specifically through the rites of passage and initiation that women experience. Following the thirteen moons of the year and the thirteen stones of the Andean Medicine Wheel, this book guides the reader on a healing journey alongside Marcela's own as they grow in wisdom with each turn of the wheel.

From her war-torn childhood to her complicated relationships, her training with the shamans of the Andes and the Machi of Chile to her life today as a teacher and medicine woman, Marcela's story provides the reader with real-life context for each stone, each moon, and each step on this ancient and archetypal journey. Through healing, deepening of understanding, transformation, and embodiment, the reader will learn to walk the Medicine Path to find their power and inner beauty.

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